
Privacy Policy

Dawak App takes the privacy of your information very seriously. This privacy policy applies to our use of any and all Data collected by us or provided by you in relation to your use of our website and services.

 By using our services, you agree to our use of your data, if you do not agree with any of the terms included in this policy, please refrain from using our services.

The following Privacy Policy applies only to Dawak (the “Website” also “We”), Dawak Mobile Apps (“Android” and “IOS”) and information provided by you or otherwise collected online through this website or mobile apps.

This privacy policy should be read alongside, and in addition to, our Terms and conditions of Dawak App use.


  1. Scope of this Policy

This Privacy Policy applies only to the Users with respect to Dawak App and are therefore expected before sending any Personal Data to read and understand the Privacy Policy. It does not extend to any applications that can be accessed from this App including, but not limited to, any links we may provide to social media websites.

For purposes of the applicable Data Protection Laws, Dawak App is the “Data Controller”. This means that Dawak App determines the purposes for which, and the manner in which, your Data is processed.


  1. Your Consent

By accessing this Website/APP and whenever you submit any information to Dawak App, or use products and services offered by our Website, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy. Please read below carefully the entire Privacy Policy before using Dawak App:


  • You agree to receive our routine communications to you such as: order transaction, E-mails, and other administrative messages through E-mail and notifications posted on the Website or through other means available, including text and phone calls, related to your orders/request on Dawak App. 
  • You must ensure to provide us with the correct or up-to-date Personal Data. This will allow us to contact you for further correspondences with respect to your order at Dawak App. We are not responsible for any inaccurate information you provide to us, which may affect your health or shopping experience on our website.
  • Dawak App may, in future, request other optional information from you in order to customize the Website to deliver personalized service to you.
  • Dawak App does not make unauthorized calls or market any goods or services except for the reasons mentioned in its Terms and conditions. Therefore, you shall not reveal Personal Data to any third party not approved by Dawak App.


  1. Data Collection

We may collect the following Data, in accordance with this privacy policy, from you:


  • Identity information such as name, usernames, identifiers, date of birth, gender;
  • Contact information such as email addresses, phone numbers and billing and shipping address;
  • Health information such as the responses to the online consultations you chose to give and any follow ups with our prescribers. This includes gender, sexual history, medication history, consultation notes;
  • Technical information such as IP addresses, web browser type and version, browser plugin type and version, time zone, platform and operating system;
  • Financial information such as credit/debit card numbers;


If you want to use any of the services provided on the Website, you agree to provide us with your Personal Data mentioned above.

 Dawak App representatives may request Personal Data and other information that may be required from time to time, via email, telephone, or texts. When Dawak App is processing Personal Data and performing some review or interpretation, you allow us to share it with your doctor for a limited purpose of his/her understanding and validation, nevertheless, Dawak App will own these data and records exclusively.


  1. Data Usage

Any or all of the above Data may be required by us from time to time in order to provide you with the best possible service and experience when using our Website. Specifically, Data may be used by us for the following reasons in each case, in accordance with this Privacy Policy:

  • Performance of the Services: Dawak App will access and use the shared Personal Data for the reasons of providing the services brought to you by Dawak App as well as providing you with the Medications and Healthcare products purchased by you.
  • Improvement of our Products/Services: Dawak App always seeks to provide you with the most innovative and safe services. Within this context, Dawak App will be leading a continues improvement and developing plan for its services which you agree to be a part of and provide your personal data for such reasons.
  • Research, statistical analysis, and business intelligence: Dawak App may use Personal Data without regard to any individual or identity and the Data, statistics or intelligence data may be sold or otherwise transferred to third parties and affiliates in an aggregated or non-personally identifiable form.


The confidentiality of all Personal Data and Information of each user is to be preserved by all Dawak App employees and data processors who have access to or related to the processing of such Data.


  1. Data Sharing

We can share your Personal Data with third parties having the need or authority to obtain such information whenever it is necessary in order to comply with:

  • Receiving such information under the Applicable Laws by any authority;
  • Execution of any court order;
  • Detection of fraud, security or technical problems;
  • Protecting Dawak App users, or the public against harm to the rights, properties, or health, as required or allowed by Law;
  • Conducting studies and research applied on such Data.


Dawak App may supply Personal Data to third parties’ contractors working on behalf of or with Dawak App whenever it is necessary.

These contractors generally have no separate right to share this Data. However, certain contractors providing Website services, including online communications services, shall have the right to use and reveal, in compliance with their own privacy policy, personal data obtained in respect of the provision of these services.


  1. Data Access

Your Personal Data can be accessed only on a need-to-know basis by Dawak App employees and all third parties engaged with Dawak App who are designated to carry out your requested service/purchase, and all such employees are bound to strict confidentiality obligations.

You may access the Website, place orders, and benefit from the services provided by Dawak App. You must provide Personal Data as required in the Request/ Registration Form in order to create an account. Dawak App shall not exchange, rent, or sell any Personal Data to third parties other than those stated in this Privacy Policy and its Terms and Conditions, without your consent. Dawak App can record phone calls for the purpose of providing services efficiently and effectively for inquiries, orders, suggestions, or other purposes.


  1. Confidentiality

We guarantee that all your Personal Data with us is secure. For protection against unauthorized access, improper use, release, change or illegal destruction or unintentional loss of Personal Data, Dawak App undertakes maximum precautions to protect your Personal Data from unauthorized access, improper use or disclosure or unauthorized modification.

 To prevent unauthorized access, we have put in place the latest industry-standard security technology and procedures to safeguard the information we collect online. Your personal information is encrypted and is protected with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts all information you input. We store your Personal Data on servers placed in a secure environment.

Even though we have taken significant precautions to protect your Personal Data, we cannot fully eliminate security risks associated with Personal Data.


  1. Data Retention

Dawak App retains your Personal Data, and each you are allowed to request that Dawak App removes and deletes your Personal Data only.


  1. Payments in the app

Apple Pay Transactions: Our app offers the option for users to make purchases using Apple Pay for added convenience and security. When you choose to use Apple Pay within our app, certain transaction information may be collected to facilitate the transaction process and provide you with the requested goods or services.

Samsung Pay Transactions: Our app offers the option for users to make purchases using Samsung Pay for added convenience and security. When you choose to use Samsung Pay within our app, certain transaction information may be collected to facilitate the transaction process and provide you with the requested goods or services.


  1. Changes to this Policy

At any time, with or without notice, Dawak App can update or amend this Privacy Policy. It is your responsibility to check the Policy regularly to ensure that you agree with it and your continued use of the Website will be deemed to be your acceptance of any changes that we make.

In the event that significant changes occur in the way Dawak App handles a user’s Personal Data, Dawak App will notify the users about it. All Personal Data obtained by Dawak App and their accounts are covered by the current Privacy Policy.

Nevertheless, Dawak App is not required to inform users with any modifications made to the Privacy Policy. You may refuse to accept the amendments and choose the removal of your Personal Data.

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